Nome: Pokemon Snowy White/The Strongest Pure White v4.0/
Versão: 06.02.18
Autor: Panda Face
Rom Base: Emerald
Autor: Panda Face
Rom Base: Emerald
Status: Completo
Idioma:Chinese/English(70 %)
Descrição: Hack Chinesacom nova história ,mapa , e com pokémon de 1ª-7ª gen.
*Sobre a tradução (08/02/2018)
-Créditos da tradução: MrTienDuc (
-70% em inglês e 30% em japonês
-Golpes, itens, etc em ingles
– Pokes de Ultra SM adicionados
– Pokes de Ultra SM adicionados
– DP battle background
-DP trainer
-Proper physical and special split
-Reusable TMs
-150 new moves
-Added Gen 4-5 abilities and battle items
-Pokemon will not lose HP by poison in overworld
-Egg hatch level 1
-Continuous repel system
-When defeated or caught a Pokemon, the team can grow the EXP too
-Fairy type
-Running indoors
-Deletable HMs
-Day and night system
-Move data concentrate to Gen 7
-Add new evolution stone: Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Shiny Stone and Ice Stone
-New map and stories route
-Gen 1-7 Grass Fire and Water starter Pokemon
-Gen 6 icon
-PC boxes background is 1-14
-Gen 1-7 title legendaries and included its specific move
-Realize Eevee 8 evolution
-Expanded max money amount
*Pedido por Adriano Sampaio.
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