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Completo Full, Fire Red Hack, GBA HACKS, HACK-ROMS

Pokemon FireRed Redux

Name:Pokemon FireRed Redux: Open World
Ver.: v1
Rom Base: Fire Red
Status: Complete
Description: É o mesmo fire red, com alguns desafios a mais, e segundo o autor, mundo aberto.

Super Move maniac – ensine golpes variados independente do lv
-Egg Move Maniac – ensine qualquer egg move
-Nível dinâmico – os treinadores sempre tem o mesmo lv que o seu
-E o pokémon selvagem terá o lv do seu pokémon de menor lv
-Não Há hm check, o que possibilita você ir a áreas que não podia por conta de alguma HM
-Hms deletáveis
-Move tutor infinitos
-TMs reusáveis
-Simulador de trade

-Super Pokemon Move Maniac – Teaches any level up move regardless of level
-Pokemon Egg Move Maniac – Teaches any egg move — Thanks to ghoulslash for both of these 🙂
-Pidgey Fly – Enables use of Fly after obtaining Regional Dex — Thanks to Darthatron for the Item Script Running routine
-Trainers match the level of your highest level party Pokemon
-Wild Pokemon match the level of your lowest level party Pokemon — Both thanks to JPAN for his research 🙂
-Disabled Disobedience
-Removed Badge Checks in Pokemon Menu – You can use HMs before obtaining Gym Badges if you select the move -from the Pokemon Menu, as opposed to clicking on an object in the overworld — Thanks to karatekid552 for the hex values
-Deletable HMs
-Evolution Possible past Regional Dex – You can now evolve Pokemon in the Regional Dex into Pokemon outside of the Regional Dex — Thanks to Chronosplit for the patch
-Infinite Move Tutors – Move Tutors now can teach you the same move an infinite number of times — Thanks to —
Trade Evolution Simulator – Trade in a simulator to evolve Pokemon that level up by trade — Thanks to RichterSnipes for the patch




  1. Por favor nenhum dos links estão funcionando arrumem os links

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